Ronny obtained Bachelor of Social Science (Government & Laws), Bachelor of Laws, and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws in the University of Hong Kong. He was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2006.

Ronny specialises in criminal practice at all levels of courts. Ronny has extensive experience in commercial crimes including: ICAC, CCB, & SFC matters, money laundering, corruption, fraud, false instrument, misconduct in public office and so on.  Ronny’s main areas of practice also cover general crimes such as dangerous drug offence, sexual offence, dishonesty offence, violent crime, perverting course of justice, immigration offence, customs & excise offence, departmental summonses, general & serious traffic offences.

Ronny has experience in prosecuting various criminal cases and has served as a Deputy Magistrate in 2014.

Called to the Bar:

Hong Kong, 2006

Areas Of Practice:

Commercial crimes including: ICAC, CCB, & SFC matters, money laundering, corruption, fraud, false instrument, misconduct in public office

General crimes such as dangerous drug offence, sexual offence, dishonesty offence, violent crime, immigration offence, customs & excise offence, perverting course of justice, departmental summonses, general & serious traffic offences.


Bachelor of Social Science (Government and Laws)(Hons), University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Laws (Hons), University of Hong Kong

PCLL, University of Hong Kong

Judiical Appointment:

Deputy District Magistrate (2014)


Cantonese, Putonghua and English


2521 2616 


2845 0260



14th Floor, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong