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Court of Appeal allowed the appeal by police association and declared election regulation unconstitutional

21 May 2020 - In Junior Police Officers' Association of the Hong Kong Police Force and Anor v Electoral Affairs Commission and Ors  [2020] 3 HKC 628 the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal brought by the police association and declared unconstitutional s.20(3) of the Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration of Electors) (Legislative Council Geographical Constituencies) (District Council Constituencies) Regulation, Cap 541A, which makes it mandatory to allow the public inspection of the full voters register.   Under s.20(3), the full name linked to the full principal residential address of over 4 million voters as contained in the final registers of electors are made available for public inspection without restriction, which in the view of the Court of Appeal amounts to a disproportionate encroachment on voters' constitutional right to privacy and right to vote. 

Tony Ko (led by Abraham Chan S.C.) acted for the Junior Police Officers' Association of the Hong Kong Police Force.   The judgment can be found here.

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