2521 2616
Telephone (Office)
2845 0260
14/F and Suite 4401, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Called to the Bar
Hong Kong, 2020
Areas Of Practice
Administrative and Public Law
Commercial Crime
Commercial Disputes
Company Law
Competition Law
Departmental/Industrial Summonses
Family and Private Client
General Civil
General Crime
Labour and Employment
Land and Property
Personal Injury/Medical Negligence
Probate/Administrative Action
Sexual Offences
Traffic Offences
Ferrida graduated from the University of Hong Kong with LLB and BBA(Law). Her practice spans commercial, corruption, criminal, regulatory and disciplinary matters. She advises and acts as a sole advocate or led junior at all levels of court including the Court of Final Appeal, Court of Appeal, Court of First Instance, Market Misconduct Tribunal, Family Court and Lands Tribunal. She also frequently advises and represents clients in various disciplinary hearings, such as disciplinary proceedings in the Civil Service Bureau, Estate Agents Authority, Nursing Council of Hong Kong and Social Worker Registration Board.
A seasoned moot court participant, Ferrida represented the University of Hong Kong and excelled in international mooting competitions, namely the Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot in 2019 and the 19th International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot in 2018, achieving first runner-up positions in both.
Ferrida has since 2021 served on the Standing Committee on Young Barristers, Hong Kong Bar Association, and is currently the secretary of the committee.
Ferrida holds the PRC Legal Professional Qualification Certificate (中華人民共和國法律職業資格證書) issued by the Ministry of Justice, PRC after passing the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination (國家統一法律職業資格考試) in 2022.
Ferrida is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. She accepts instructions in all areas of practice.
BBA (Law)(HKU)
PRC Legal Professional Qualification Certificate
Member, Social Workers Registration Board Disciplinary Committee (2023-2026)
Secretary, Standing Committee on Young Barristers, Hong Kong Bar Association (2023-present, member since 2021)
Criminal Cases
HKSAR v Leung Wing Keung Albert [2024] HKCA 575, [2023] HKDC 1616 (led by Mr. Derek Chan SC) - acted for the Appellant (the 1st Defendant at trial) to obtain bail pending appeal and leave to appeal against conviction of a fraud charge arising from the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Project and an application for stay of proceedings surrounding issues of LPP.
HKSAR v Yiu Shu Wan DCCC 604/2022 (led by Mr. Martin Hui SC, with Mr. Warwick Tam) - acted for the 2ndDefendant in relation to the charges of offering an advantage to an agent totalling HK$1,000,000 and conspiracy to falsify accounts.
HKSAR v Sit Yi Ki and Others [2024] HKCFI 1937 (assisted Mr. Derek Chan SC and Mr. Peter Chiu) – assisted in the prosecution of three defendants with the charge of conspiracy to carry out false trading, contrary to sections 295(1) and (6) and 303(1) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571 and sections 159A and 159C of the Crimes Ordinance, Cap. 200.
香港特別行政區 訴 馬敬 [2024] HKDC 242 (led by Mr. Hectar Pun SC) - acted for the Defendant in relation to 3 charges of agent accepting an advantage totalling around HK$380,000.
香港特別行政區 訴 張曉惠 [2024] HKDC 224 (led by Mr. Derek Chan SC, with Mr. Tony Ko) - acted for the 2nd Defendant in relation to the charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice.
香港特別行政區 訴 張輝雄 [2023] HKCFI 1953 (with Mr. S.W. Lee) - acted for the appellant in an appeal against conviction in relation to the charge of fraud.
香港特別行政區 訴 Satbir Singh 及另一人 [2022] HKCFI 919 (led by Mr. Hectar Pun SC) - acted for the 2ndappellant in an appeal against sentence in relation to the charge of contravention of a licence condition.
HKSAR v Tong Wai Hung (2021) 24 HKCFAR 302 (led by Mr. Hectar Pun SC, with Mr. Anson Wong Yu Yat) - acted for the appellant in an appeal arising from a Secretary Justice’s reference under section 81D of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, Cap.221 in relation to the principle of joint enterprise.
HKSAR v Fu Man Kit (2021) 24 HKCFAR 253 (led by Mr. Derek Chan SC, with Mr. Tien Kei-rui) - acted for the appellant in the appeal in relation to the doctrine of double jeopardy in the context of penalties imposed on the appellant in disciplinary proceedings under the Prison Rules.
HKSAR v Wong Man Yi Mandy [2023] 5 HKLRD 880 (led by Mr. Derek Chan SC, with Mr. Wong Hay Yiu) - acted for the appellant in the appeal against conviction in relation to the charge of trafficking in a dangerous drug, namely 3,987 g of a crystalline solid containing 3,868 g of Ice and the defence of insanity.
Regulatory and Disciplinary cases
Market Misconduct Tribunal Inquiry Proceedings in relation to the listed securities of Mayer Holdings Limited (Stock Code 1116) (2022) (as sole advocate) - acted for the 4thspecified person in a remitted inquiry into breaches of disclosure requirements under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571.
Acted for a prestigious private club in Hong Kong in its disciplinary proceedings against 4 members (led by Mr. Martin Hui SC).
Acted for a civil servant in a disciplinary inquiry ordered under section 10 of the Public Service (Administration) Order (as sole advocate).
Acted for a complainant in a disciplinary hearing of the Social Workers Registration Board under section 25(1) of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Cap. 505 (with Mr. Joey Chan).
Advised respondents in a disciplinary hearing of the Estate Agent Authority one charge of misconduct contrary to section 15 of the Estate Agents Practice (General Duties and Hong Kong Residential Properties) Regulation, Cap.511C (with Mr. S.W. Lee).
Target Insurance Company Limited (in compulsory liquidation) v Nerico Brothers Ltd [2023] HKCA 1370 (led by Mr. Hectar Pun SC, with Mr. Donald Ting) - acted for the 1st interested party in relation to summons for joinder of non-party for purposes of costs.
Yau Suk Kok Jean v KL Property Management Ltd [2023] HKLdT 46 (as sole advocate) - acted for the applicant in relation to a claim of management fees wrongly collected.
ZLL and Another v CBC [2023] HKFC 95 (as sole advocate) - acted for the plaintiff in resisting an application for security for costs in the context of an application for financial provision under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance, Cap. 481.
ZQA and Others v SCC and Others [2022] HKFC 254 (with Ms. Vivien Leung) - acted for the plaintiff in relation to an application for financial provision under Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance, Cap. 481.
GD v HY [2021] HKCFI 3900 (with Mr. Lawrence Hui and Mr. Patrick Siu) - acted for the respondent in setting aside an enforcement order of an emergency relief granted by an arbitrator.
竹林明堂有限公司 對 陳祺豐 [2022] HKCFI 2509 (with Mr. Patrick Siu) - acted for the plaintiff in relation to an employment dispute.
Wong Wai Keung v Commissioner of Police [2022] HKCFI 374 (with Mr. Patrick Siu and Mr. Lawrence Pang) - acted for the plaintiff in an application to claim legal professional privilege on the basis of common interest privilege over digital and non-digital items seized by the police.
Harbor Prosper (HK) Investments Ltd v Elegant Profit (Hong Kong) Ltd [2020] HKCFI 2261 (with Mr. Patrick Siu) - acted for the petitioner in a winding up proceedings.
Tse’s Finance Ltd v Ming Lam Holdings Ltd formerly known as Sino Haijing Holdings Ltd [2020] HKCFI 2321 (as sole advocate) - acted for a supporting creditor in a winding up proceedings.